

Welcome to the library returners blog!

The career breakers companion to returning to library work.

Here we discuss the ups and downs of taking career breaks. We explore if it’s possible to return to a career in libraries after:

  • relocation
  • spending time looking after children
  • being made redundant
  • caring for a relative
  • recovering from an illness
  • travelling
  • making a decision to step off the career path to do something else
  • a break following, or as a result of, the Covid-19 crisis

The blog is intended for library returners, that is, people who have been out of the library and information workplace for some time. It’s primarily aimed at those who are looking to return to professional librarianship after their career break or employment gap. However those supporting career breakers and career returners in other fields may find something of interest here too!

A partially open door.
Photo by Jan Tinneberg on Unsplash

Those of you thinking of returning to library work now may face a tough job market. But there are success stories too. In the next few months at libraryreturners we will continue to share these stories, suggestions, and advice to offer support during challenging times. Many of you have been accessing the site and articles as readers, perhaps you would like to contribute to a guest post? Contact me at libraryreturners@gmail.com


Photo by Manuel Iallonardi on Unsplash

Latest blog post – Exploring career break podcasts 

Our new blog takes a good look at 6 insightful career podcasts. But after reading the post here why not also let me know which ones you enjoy #takeways?

Flyer provided by the University of Utah J. Willard Marriott Library research team.

Brand new study into returners and it needs your input!

A new study by three University of Utah librarians has just been launched into breaks and returning to librarianship. You can keep up with the developments and also fill in the survey here until May 6th 2024.


Screenshot of man talking on a video call.
Conducting a video interview with Simon Gregory of GPS Return and the Returners’ Tribe
Image by Susan Mends

Interview with Simon Gregory of GPS Return

It’s wonderful to find out about job-hunting, CVs and flexible roles from a recruiter who specialises in the needs of returners. Simon Gregory, one of the Founders and Managing Partners of GPS Return and the Returners’ Tribe patiently answers our questions here. You can access the guest interview and Simon is also happy to be contacted if you have any further questions.


Picture of an article contained in a library professional magazine
Insight feature for RPG focus – September 2023 Image by Susan Mends

Our 15 minutes of fame: the CILIP RPG Member profile

If you are a CILIP member and receive the Info Pro magazine, turn to pages 44-45 now! The latest CILIP RPG member profile features libraryreturners.com



Rebuilding confidence
Photo by Tetiana Shyshkina on Unsplash

Rebuilding confidence

This new post considers how thinking about past achievements can help rebuild confidence, remind you of your strengths and skills and restore your professional work identity.


Photo by Emily Weak

Guest interview with Emily Weak, founder, Hiring Librarians

In this blog post: Interview with Emily Weak, librarian, consultant and the founder of the excellent career blog, Hiring Librarians.

Women being social and enjoying each others company
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Take 5: positive actions to help you return to library work

A blog post listing some of the key actions that you can consider if you are looking to return to the library workforce after an extended break. Please let me know of any suggestions you have to get #libraryreturners back to work after a career break in the comments or by sending an email to libraryreturners@gmail.com


Image created by Rhodah

Guest post by Rhodah – My journey

Guest blogger Rhodah sharing her return to library work and part of the Your Voices: LIS Career Break Stories series.

Photo by Geralt on Pixabay

How a plan B can help your career

Guest post by LIS researcher, web editor, yoga and meditation teacher, Dr Alyson Tyler, discussing why she believes having a plan B is important and can help us remain flexible in the career market.

Photo by E. Mehling

Job interview prep and mistakes to avoid

Guest post by Career Adviser and Instructor, Writer, Blogger and Librarian, Ellen Mehling.

Photo by Johnny Briggs on Unsplash

Mindfulness and how it can help with stress and resilience.

Guest post by Dr. Alyson Tyler, yoga and meditation teacher and a LIS researcher.

Photo by Victoria Heath on Unsplash

Lick your wounds and move on? Returners deal with interview rejection

This blog post looks at job search disappointment with the help of resources presenting the library and returner points of view.


Photo on Unsplash by Jonathan Borba

Book Up! A Blog About Developing Your Library & Information Career – Library returners

Tips for negotiating flexible working options with your employer from the book up! blog.


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Top 5 Most Popular Articles for Library Returners

Three years ago the library returners blog was launched. We are celebrating by reviewing the top 5 most popular articles on the library returners website since it launched on April 22, 2018. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everybody who has supported the setting up of the site in the past three years, whether you have written a post, taken time to be interviewed, written a response to something you have read, or shared something you have seen on the site. I look forward to the next three years.

The History, Biography, and Religion (HBR) section of BPL's Central Library, empty because of Covid-19
The History, Biography, and Religion (HBR) section of BPL’s Central Library, empty because of Covid-19
Photo by E. Mehling

Networking in the New Normal by Ellen Mehling

Immensely popular in the library and returner community, our guest blog post.

Due to the pandemic we’re unable to network in the same way we used to (and perhaps some of those methods have changed a bit too) but there are some things library returners can still do to build and nurture professional connections. Read this well received blog post by Ellen Mehling now!


Photo by Sherry Bevan

Guest post: Sherry Bevan on career coaching

Speaker, author and career and leadership consultant, Sherry Bevan, has written Everything you need to know about career coaching. Another fabulous guest blog post accessible now!

Photo by Susan Mends on Instagram

Good things to learn before you return

During lockdown public library staff have been encouraged to develop and deliver regular face to face events online. For library returners to keep up, it’s wise to become familiar with certain technology packages in readiness for applying for job positions. Good things to learn before you return: Public libraries, looks at three digital skills library returners can learn today.

Photo by Marjan_blan on Unsplash.com

Staying upbeat: how library returners can job search in the age of Covid-19

A popular blog post is Staying upbeat: how library returners can job search in the age of Covid-19. The coronavirus has changed job searching for everyone. Despite this, library returners need to continue to work on the things that they have always been doing – sorting out their skills, refreshing their CV / LinkedIn profile, networking, connecting with people, signing up for training, and looking after themselves.

Photo by Ryan Stone on Unsplash

Guest post: Jessie – Letting go

A valuable guest blog from Jessie, an information professional from the west coast of Scotland. Letting Go: realising the limitations of a linear library career path and finding opportunities in the new world of work is an overview of the author’s recent personal experience of job-hunting. It centres on Jessie’s growing awareness that she has to let go of the idea of linear career progression in order to find work that fits in with her situation following her career break.

Photo by LinkedIn Sales Navigator on Unsplash

Job shadowing

You can still view the very popular December 2019 blog post, Job shadowing and the career break candidate.

Guest interview: Simon Burton

Learn about job-seeking from the recruiter’s perspective. Simon Burton, Director of knowledge and information management recruitment business CB Resourcing answers a selection of questions. You can access the guest interview here.




Photo by Pixabay

In between the writing *** When waiting for the latest post *** Help keep the conversation going by leaving a comment, following the blog or suggesting something for the library returners bibliography.

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